Terms and Conditions for access to the
National LGBTQ+ Women’s Community Survey Data Portal.
Registration is available by application through the website only.
Registered Users are permitted to use the 2022 National LGBTQ+ Women’s Survey data (as held on the National LGBTQ+ Women’s Survey data portal) under the following terms and conditions.
As a registered user you are granted access to use the data available on the data portal as it becomes available. Data will be regularly uploaded as it becomes available.
Access to the data is granted to the named individuals only. You may not share registration details with unregistered users.
We encourage the use of the data for the development of resources, tools, academic papers, data visualization, presentations, advocacy documents, opinion pieces, and other similar materials. Registered users can co-author or co-produce with any person, but at least one of the authors / producers listed must be a registered user who has agreed to the data portal terms and conditions. You may only share the data with an unregistered user when actively collaborating on a specific project.
Non-registered users may not publish any product using these data without a registered user working with them.
Registered users may never sell the data to any person or organization.
The data will be restricted for exclusive use by registered users, and their co-authors, until January 1st 2025.
Copies of all products produced with this data by registered users should be shared with Justice Work ([email protected])
Suggested Citation: Sewell, Alyasah Ali and Sutherland, Carla. 2023. “Data Portal of the National LGBTQ+ Women’s Community Survey, 2021-2022.” Justice Work: New York, NY. Retrieved June 12, 2023 (www.lgbtqwomensurvey.org/survey/dataportal)
In no event shall Justice Work (institution) be liable to any entity or person for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this Data, even if Institution has been advised of the possibility of such damage. Institution specifically disclaims any and all warranties, express and implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Institution’s data is provided “as is.” Institution has no obligation to provide updates or modifications of Institution’s Data that Institution may create.