We are grateful to our partners, both for their help with our survey and
the work they do every day in our communities. Please support them!
Did You Know?
For every $100 awarded by US foundations in 2020, only 23 cents specifically supported LGBTQ communities and issues. And only 2 percent of funding that went to the LGBTQ sector in 2020 was specifically ear-marked for lesbians / queer women. We urge you to support these amazing organizations in whatever way you can.

To find out more about our partners and how you can support them or get more involved, click on their name and link to their site.
- 406 Pride
- American Veterans For Equal Rights
- Angel City Derby
- AnnaH Events
- Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice
- Athlete Ally
- Atlanta Pride Committee
- Aunt Lute Books
- Beyond Bold And Brave/Black Lesbian Conferences
- Bisexual Queer Alliance Chicago
- Campus Pride
- Caribbean Equality Project
- Center for American Progress
- Center for Black Equity
- Center for HIV Law & Policy
- Centerlink
- Centre LGBTQ Support Network
- Colorado LGBT Bar Association
- Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals
- Curve Magazine
- DignityUSA – Women of Dignity
- Diversity Collective Ventura County
- Eastern Michigan University LGBT Resource Center
- Equality California
- Equality Federation
- Eshel
- Family Equality
- Funders for LGBTQ Issues
- GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ Equality
- Gay Activist Alliance in Morris County
- Get Out And Trek (GOAT)
- Golden Crown Literary Society
- Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective
- Henderson Equality Center
- Hudson Pride Center
- Hudson Valley LGBTQ+ Community Center
- Human Rights Campaign
- Humboldt State University Queer Student Union
- Indiana Youth Group
- Indy Pride, Inc.
- InterACT:Advocates for Intersex Youth
- Jennifer Brown Consulting
- Jewish Queer Youth
- Kaleidoscope Youth Center
- Kansas City Anti-Violence Project
- Kentucky Youth Law Project, Inc.
- La Gender Inc.
- Lambda Legal
- LBTQWomen
- Lesbians who Tech
- LGBTQ Center at East Carolina University
- LGBTQ Community Center of the Desert
- LGBTQ Scholars of Color Network
- LGBTQ+ Center, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
- Lifeties, Inc.
- Living in Limbo
- Los Angeles Bi Task Force
- Los Angeles LGBT Center
- Metropolitan Community Churches
- Montgomery Pride United
- Movement Advancement Project
- National Center for Lesbian Rights
- National Center for Transgender Equality
- National LGBTQ Task Force
- National LGBT Media Association
- National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance
- Native Justice Coalition
- North Idaho Pride Alliance
- North Shore Alliance of GLBT Youth (NAGLY)
- ONE Community
- Our Bodies Ourselves
- Out and Equal
- OutFront Minnesota
- OutReach LGBT Community Center
- PFLAG Wilmington Northern, DE Inc
- Portland State University The Queer Resource Center
- Pride Center of Staten Island
- Pride Resource Center
- Promo Fund
- Publish Your Purpose
- Queer Resource Center, Portland State University
- RAD Remedy
- Rainbow Community Center of Contra Costa County
- Right to Be
- Ruth Ellis Center
- San Gabriel Valley LGBTQ+ Center
- San Mateo County Pride Center
- Services and Advocacy for Gay, lesbian, Bisexual
and Transgender Elders - Sexual & Gender Minority Youth Resource Center
(SMYRC) - Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- Step Up For Mental Health
- St Pete Pride
- Still Bisexual
- Stonewall Alliance Chico
- Sylvia Rivera Law Project
- The Center on Colfax
- The LGBTQ Center Long Beach
- The LOFT LGBTQ+ Center
- The NY LGBT Center
- UCLA LGBTQ Campus Resource Center
- UGA Globes
- University of Miami LGBTQ Student Center
- University of Michigan Spectrum Center
- University of Idaho LGBTQA Office
- University of North Florida LGBTQ Center
- Upper Peninsula Rainbow Pride
- Zekes Freedom Foundation
- Zuna Institute